Wednesday, February 14, 2007

See Fairness, in the Spirit of

Just so everyone is aware, I make really embarrassing mistakes in German. "Oskar the Geschlechtsteil" is nothing compared to some of my doozies.

E.g. Recent conversation with my German while lolling around.

AOM: Honey, what's the difference between "decken" and "bedecken"?
DOM: Well, "dich 'dekcen' lassen" is probably what I want you to want and "dich 'bedecken' lassen" is probably what you want.

For all of you non-experts. "Decken" is what studs do (dogs, horses, etc.). "Bedecken" / "Zudecken" is to cover something - in my case, me, with a blanket.

There are a couple of comments to which I hope to reply, please be patient.

**(Well, no one said we were great conversationalists, and nothing happened. Hope ya'll weren't too offeneded.) And it occurred to me that the piggies do make the whole thing worse than it ought to be, but they came up when I googled "blanket" and I think they are cute.


C N Heidelberg said...

Ah, the little subtleties, just waiting for us non-natives to trip...

Mike B said...

I think that gets into the realm of WTMI .... ;)

MG said...

and THIS is why the link is not to be passed onto mutti, eh?

christina said...

Was für eine Schweinerei! :-)

MG said...

having lived with a louisianian for 3 1/2 years, i must make note of something: the correct spelling would be y'all. she used to beat us over the head for misplacement of the ', so i must do the same.