Sunday, May 13, 2007

Friday night found us at the dissolution of a church Jugendkreis that my German attended in his teens. Some of the folks had continued to meet until recently - while a new, younger youth group had been established and the official end to what had become the "Young Seniors" was celebrated Friday.

There were photos and plenty of video. Their first talent show included clips of my German both playing guitar and juggling and all that with a great haircut and perfectly acceptable shirt. I hadn't known that he went through a cute phase in the middle of two awkward phases (hair too short, hair too long). Yes, even then, he did those weird mouth things while playing the guitar that children do while drawing with concentration - but what a cutey patooty! Unfortunately, even after we get a DVD with the films, I don't see myself getting it formated to post here any time soon.

And so I offer the following nuggets from my German -

Is that a rooster on the weazerwane? (Try "weathervane" with your German soon!)
MG: Do you get cranky before you get the, how you say, regulation? Me: Honey - that's "crampy" and the word is "period".

And yesterday's of Eurovision Song Contest reminded me of Stermann und Grissemann, who used to do a simulcast in audio that made the competition truly worth watching. Worth watching as well is this contribution to Dorfers Donnerstalk. . .


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA i was thrown for a good bit with that MG:

i was thinking, "i never said that..."...and truth, i didn't say it.. i now understand mg=my german

i WILL find out what animal i was thinking about...maybe it was just squirrel.. keine ahnung.

R. Duckie said...

Hah! I would try the word "Weathervane" with my German, but we are still working on the word "Sentence'

Anonymous said...

You've studied abroad in Germany if:

12. You've laughed at someone trying to say "squirrel"

Mike B said...

What I love is when a German doctor tells me he or she want to control my blood pressure. It's already under control ... you simply want to measure it, my friend. BTW, The Partnerin has a devll of a time with 'suggestion.'

christina said...

Oh yes, I agree with mg - we all laugh ourselves silly when our resident German tried to say "squirrel". Or "beagle".