Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bad Night Part II

See if you can figure out what I did from the picture. . . I'll fill in the details from home.


MG said...

mutti told me about this...though from this post i thought it happened AGAIN until i saw the 12.02.... i dont get the first word (even telling what the word IS from the handwriting)...but i got the falschen zug...but zurück nach where?

Anonymous said...

back to the city of origin, but i erased that (you know, semi-annonymous and all that).

Yes, upset and tired, I got on the (ICE no less) going the wrong direction and had to wait at the next stop for an hour before I could head back. This little detour added 2 hours to my commute.

When I got where I was going, I proceeded to fall on the escalator.

Fortunately this week has gone better.