Monday, July 23, 2007

Haustier Peeves

* I have things I love, too, but we'll get to that later.

What is it with Germans and bathroom doors? They never, I mean -never- knock first. Of course, I always lock the bathroom door now, but have often had the experience in public restrooms where even the locked door is viewed more or less strictly as a suggestion, and repeated, ever more forcible attempts are made to open the door. I am usually too shocked to respond in a timely manner - "WTF??!!" being the only thought running through my mind as I cower on the other side of the door.


C N Heidelberg said...

I noticed the Germans always seem a little taken aback when I knock on the closed bathroom door at work!

EuroTrippen said...

Fortunately this is a problem I've yet to encounter. I'm a pretty laid back person, but I draw the line at communal potty breaks.

ann_ona_moose said...

CN: totally!! I don't want to see it any more than I want to be seen. Just doesn't seem to process, though. *sigh*

B.: I often wind up in the hallway in the train commuting. That's where I see it the most.