Sunday, July 22, 2007

Today* we are 33

* Date written, not date posted.

While I would like to offer some profound reflection on aging and becoming an age which I once considered impossibly old, my thoughts today are altbau thoughts and architect thoughts and thoughts of getting together tonight with a new friend and an old friend and a bottle of wine, but we'll see if we get the details ironed out over the course of the day.

We went, laser measuring devices in hand, to remeasure the apartments last night. Most of our pencil calculations were correct, but there was a big difference in one room which made up for most of the missing quadratmeter (square meters). The rooms are the right size (3 m difference is within the acceptable range). The apartment on the first floor is low tech to be sure, but better than I had thought it to be. The tiny WC actually has a proper wall and door, it's not just an open cabinet in the kitchen.

So now, we have to clear out conerns in areas where we are not in a position to judge ourselves. Can we put in the rooftop terrace? Is it technically feasable to put in balconies? (Both important for me, because the garden is so small).

The big questions -
  • The beams - are the spongy or ok?
  • Can we put in a staircase to connect the two apartments. (Raumspartreppe)
  • Does inspection of the basement point to any problems?
  • Are the walls ok?

And then, there are the questions no one can answer for you:
  • Is this what we want for the rest of our lives?
  • Is this bad neighborhood what we want for the kids we might have? Are the chances too high that they would fall in with the wrong crowd in the grundschule and ruin their lives? (School post still pending.)
  • Will the drunk people and grafiti get me down?
  • Are we actually exposing ourselves to higher levels of crime? - We don't know.
  • Are we crazy becoming landlords?

I am at a point where I can't think logically about it any more. I thought about putting in a woodstove and it was over for me. I imagine myself and my bookcase, my coffee, and the fire in the woodstove on a winter Saturday afternoon with kids playing (They're not fighting; this is where you know it bears no relation to reality, right?)

Mr. Moose is excited that there is a zoo nearby (500 m). He has fond memories of going there as a child and is thrilled by the prospect of annual membership and taking his kids there every weekend.


Paul Smith Jr. said...

Zoos? I love zoos!

Anonymous said...

It's a little zoo. There was discussion of a fireman's pole, but I think I have gotten him to back off that idea.

Anonymous said...

zoos are cool! : )