Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not much new in Moose-land. The weekend was full of driving. Autobahn and city driving on Saturday- more starting on a hill on Sunday. I managed to stall out down town, but this time my hysterics were all on the inside. This is important :).

Work is better and worse. Despite my many revisions and D's revisions, nothing remains of the report I wrote. The report was entirely re-written by the boss. The aren't acting like they are going to fire me - they wouldn't be spending this much time with me if they didn't feel it was still possible for it to work out.

Even thinking worst case scenario - Reasons to stay as long as I can there
1.) I can view it as a short course, I am learning so much, plus I will get a little money out of it.
2.) I need it for my resume.
3.) If it gets really bad, we can adjust our life planning - but not until I've stuck it out a while.
4.) It is better now than it was the first few days.

Not enough sleep and D. is out of town. I am taking my first night off in a while and indulging in a little DSG9, the silliest show in German TV.

In other news:
I saw a man in full-on Lederhose this morning in the train station. I don't live in Bavaria-it was the equivalent of seeing someone dressed like Big Bird walking through the train station.

I shared my commute with a friend this morning who was on his way to the airport. Lucky surprise that I took a later train.

Does anyone know of anything fun to do half-way between Philly and DC? (Something my vegetarian friends can do - so a crab restaurant is out.)


Haddock said...

Work sounds like its improving. Stick with it, most jobs seem a bit weird at first. Talking of wierd it must've been strange seeing a bloke wearing Lederhosen. I've only ever seen it worn at fests, but then I don't live in Bavaria either! :)

Mike B said...

Try Annapolis ... you can do a nice boat tour of the harbor. As for rewritten work, I was hired as an "expert" but my expert opinion is frequenly re-written to conform to the company's pre-expert days. They pay me well for the privilege ... enjoy it while it lasts (which could be longer than you think) as it will certainly look good on your lebnslauf as the stretch gets longer.

Paul Smith Jr. said...

If it were summer I'd say an orioles game. But since it's not, check out for ideas.